Get more details about Hip Replacement Surgery Partial or Total

Get more details about Hip Replacement Surgery Partial or Total• Hip resurfacing

Candidates for Hip Replacement Procedures

In order to be considered for hip replacement surgery, patients must meet certain criteria. An orthopedic surgeon must be able to see damage to cartilage surrounding the joint area. In addition, other indications for hip replacement surgery may include but are not limited to, chronic pain, no relief from medications, difficulty walking, trouble standing from a seated position, and an inability to enjoy quality of life because of chronic pain and reduced mobility. However, hip replacement candidates should be aware that some factors might prevent hip replacement surgery, including but not limited to uncontrolled high blood pressure, poor overall health, or disabling heart diseases or infections.

Hip Surgery Procedures

Conventional hip replacement surgery is a procedure that includes incisions determined by physical size. The muscles around the hip joint are detached, the ball joint of the hip removed, and replaced with a prosthesis or artificial joint. The artificial joint will be attached to the thighbone using special materials that allow bone to reattach to the new joint or by using a cement-like product.

The surgeon then removes damaged cartilage and attaches a replacement socket to the hipbone. The new ball of the thighbone is inserted into the socket portion of the hip. The surgeon will then reattach severed muscles and close the incision. This procedure usually requires an incision from 8 to 10 inches long along the side of the hip.

Minimally invasive surgery involves a one or two incision technique where the length of the incisions are half those that are commonly used for the conventional hip replacement surgeries. The one-incision surgical technique is commonly used for procedures that require less bone removal and involves an incision roughly 4 to 5 inches long. This incision is made either in the front or back of the hip. Other than the size of the incision, the technique for the actual replacement of the ball joint is the same as that in the conventional surgery.

The two-inch surgical procedure involves making two incisions that usually don' exceed 2 1/2 inches in length. One incision provides access from the front of the hip to place the prosthesis, while another small incision is made to the back of the hip to facilitate placement of the ball component. This procedure also eliminates the need to cut through muscles and tendons. This surgical technique comes with a higher rate of complications, so while minimally invasive, does has its drawbacks.

Hip resurfacing is a technique that replaces worn surfaces on the hip joint. Nothing is removed. This technique requires less bone to be removed than that involved in a hip replacement, and caters to physically active patients as well as those who are younger, with good bone health.

Benefits of Hip Replacement Treatments and Procedures

Hip replacement surgical procedures help to restore range of movement and quality of life to those suffering from osteoarthritis or other degenerative bone diseases. Patients generally recuperate within a few weeks and may return to normal activities within six to eight weeks. Depending on health, physical stamina and strength, many hip replacement surgical patients are able to fully recover range of motion and movement within a couple of months.

Cost of Procedures

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