Our Procedures

MedVacation offers high quality procedures comparable to those offered by doctors in the U. S. at a 30-50% discount. Our focus and expertise lie in four medical segments: In vitro fertilization and infertility treatments Dental procedures such as titanium dental implants, crowns and denture implants Elective surgical procedures for which medical travel represents superior value … Continue reading Our Procedures

We have specialized hands on

Huge potential Kerala is ideally suited for medical tourism because of its moderate weather throughout the year, advanced hospitals with worldclass facilities, renowned doctors specialized in major disciplines, trained para medical staff and technicians, and international connectivity. Besides, Kerala also enjoys definite advantages such as the high standard of hygiene that is maintained, the already … Continue reading We have specialized hands on

Author’s description

Medical Tourism to Thailand has attracted over 1,000,000 people around the World. The practice of traveling to a foreign country for the purpose of medical care isn't new, but thanks to Thailand's diverse attractions, modern infrastructure, delicious food, and friendly people, more and more medical tourists are choosing Bangkok and Phuket for a Thai Medical … Continue reading Author’s description

Exploring the World for plastic surgery, breast augmentation, liposuction, and other surgical procedure options

MedRetreat offers Medical Discounts Abroad MedRetreat blends luxury travel with common medical treatments by providers in India, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand and Argentina (categories within this blog --Live2Travel). all targeted at the US consumer. In the words of their managing director: Tango after Liposuction and Breast Implants A relatively new firm in Argentina called Plenitas … Continue reading Exploring the World for plastic surgery, breast augmentation, liposuction, and other surgical procedure options

Medical Tourism India

Popular For: Alternative Medicine, bone-marrow transplant, cardiac bypass, eye surgery, hip replacement Visa Requirements: A valid passport and visa are required. India is a global leader in medical tourism, and one of the world’s least expensive choices among medical tourism destinations. Focusing on heart surgery, India also attracts patients with high quality dental care, Ayurvedic … Continue reading Medical Tourism India